Thursday, April 17, 2008


I think it is funny how someone can want change, but at the same time be so afraid of it. I find that I want to cling to the familiar even when I know what I really want is change. I often think about that story with the little girl and her string of pearls from the dime store. They were cheap, she longed for real pearls. Her dad kept asking her to give them to him, but she clung to them. When she finally decided to hand them over, he had real pearls waiting for her. This is exactly what God wants. We have to be willing to hand over our "string of pearls" from the dime store in order to get what we really want. What we long for.
Why is this such a hard concept? Deep down we know that there is something better in store, and we long for that something better. Somehow, even though we want something better, the familiar keeps a strong hold on us and we become anxious about giving it away.
I want what lies ahead if I trade in my "string of pearls" for the real thing. I want to be a better person because of it. I want to learn how to let go of the comfortable and familiar in order to strive for something better. I know God will meet me there as long as I have the desire and the effort that goes behind it.
I'm excited!

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